Good Practice In Homework
Features of Good Homework Practice
The main points about good homework are:
- Staff and students regard homework as an integral part of the curriculum - it is planned and prepared alongside all other programmes of learning.
- The foundations of effective homework practices are established early on and develop progressively across the key stages.
- Homework is set and managed effectively and contributes to the challenge of raising attainment.
- Homework tasks are differentiated and are appropriate to the needs of individuals.
- The support of parents/carers is seen as essential. They can assist in many ways, for example, helping their child at home, monitoring homework, providing encouragement, and even assisting with the marking of homework.
- Effective homework strategies support a range of settings in which students learn, for example, through parental support and guidance, joint family learning tasks, to independent learning.
- Homework is marked according to the general school marking policy.
- The quality of completed homework is monitored and reviewed at regular periods in consultation with students and parents.
- Homework completed well is acknowledged and praised.
- Innovative homework practices that reflect developments within education and the range of learning styles, for example, the use of ICT, and ''Accelerated Learning''.
- There is a clear policy statement, developed in consultation with the students, staff, parents and governors, and this is reviewed on a regular basis.