We offer several course options at CBSC 6th Form. Here is a short guide to our qualifications and what they mean.
What to study and entry requirements
When you join CBSC 6th Form you will study at Level 3. This is a two-year study programme of study. The entry requirements to join 6th form following results in your GCSEs:
- 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English and Mathematics to secure entry to 6th Form
- The course specific Entry Requirements
What are A-Levels?
A-Levels are academic examination-based qualifications at Level 3 offered by schools, 6th forms and colleges. They are recognised as a traditional qualification to gain entry to universities and higher education. A-Levels focus mainly on academic subjects.
What are Level 3 BTEC& Cambridge Technicals ?
These courses are equivalent to A-Levels but are assessed through a combination of coursework and examinations. Certificates and diplomas enable you to go on to university, a Higher Apprenticeship or employment. CBSC currently offers courses that are either 60 credits (equivalent to one A-Level) or 120 credits (equivalent to two A-Levels).